Wednesday 23 December 2009

"pass the twiglets mum"

regrettably, i am going out to face the treacherous icy streets of central london tonight because me being me, have left my christmas shopping til the very last minute. not all my fault though, lets all remember that i was living the bum life throughout the whole of november with not a dollar to my name, surviving on iceland chicken kievs and chips, scrimping (saving?? pah.) and admittedly wearing the most OFF KEY outfits of late, due to not being able to fund a much needed wardrobe spruce. so basically, being more brass than i've ever been since i got back from travelling, i haven't been able to join the organised early december crimbo shoppers. my nightmare begins tonight.

the green is now chilllllin in my bank, after asking for an early advancement on my wage. no doubt not for long as i will go and blitz the visa (electron...sssshhh) later on, hunting down tat for my grandma's mantlepiece, hand cream for my mum who will say "oooo thats lovely darling" when she unwraps it, dashes it amongst the heap of cheapo PDSA charirty shop wrapping paper i bought yesterday and then say "it must've got chucked out in the clear up, sorry love". smashing. don't worry, it only cos me 30 QUID. although it will probably be the same amount of monies she will have spent on pink 'princess' pyjamas, strawberry smelling bubble bath (i have showers) and a pair of christmas themed earrings for me... that will inevitably set up home in my junk box/ make shift coffee table in my room. tit for tat and all that.

you can't beat crimbo day though, up at 8am still, cups of tea and shortbread, my mum organising where everyone sits, who can open what, me getting told off for not reading the labels and occassionally opening someone elses present due to my greedy inner spoilt child self rearing its head on the day of giving, presents done, shite but great TV goes on, box of maltesers/ tube of twiglets are opened and everyone tucks in... all done by 10am. beastly.

i won't go into what i will be eating mammouth amounts of all day because you'd probably be sick. straight into your quality street tin. that you currently have your hand in, searching around for the toffee button/ the purple one but all you've been left with are the butters coconut and coffee flavoured ones?? bastards eh? so selfish. its alright though, they'll get their comeuppance when you have munched your way through the galaxy truffles, maltesers, twix ones and left them with the bountys and milkyways in the celebrations tin. standard. dont RAMP with me and my sweets.

so merry crimbles everyone, maybe we will have snow on the 25th...and then moan thats its just way too cold, snowy and icy cursing the day we were all "dreaming of a whiiiiite christmas".

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