Thursday 13 January 2011

january wishlist


after having a full 10 days off for the festive period, i'm unfortunately back at my desk. i was seriously getting used to spending the whole day in my dressing gown (my new one of course cos mum gets me that same type of shit for christmas every year. without fail. no joke), eating pringles and quality street for breakfast, rinsing as much free munch as i can from my mums house before i had to head back to hackney to a fridge full of off milk and furry tomatoes and basically boozing every night because i didn't have to have that age old fight with the snooze button on my alarm for work every morning. ahhh bliss.

not only that my jeans are that little bit tighter when i sit down after nearly 2 weeks of filling my face with cheese, chocolate and whatever else i could get my grubby mits on, my face is that little bit more grouchy (yes, it is possible) because we've been told at work that we are only to use our headphones 'for work related business only', meaning i am being forced and tortured beyond my will to listen to 'paradise fm' playing psychadelic funk shit fucking shit thigh slapping country tunes. this also means watching last nights eastenders on iplayer pop out on the sly is a goner to. brewing. get me back on the sofa watching shitty tv christmas specials and films like kindergarten cop on itv2. you know them ones!

so in times of strife, i've got into making lists. mostly of things i want. not 'to do lists'. you know the, 'must go to gym... must tidy room...must save at least a little bit of cash every month and not spend it all like i'm flossin' nooooo, not those type of lists. i'm talking about wishlists. they water down those january blues....for a little while anyway until you realise you'll never be able to cross them off the list and shout "DONE!".

1. jake gyllenhaal

so i saw 'love and other drugs' the other night. (orange wednesday flex, standard) and whilst i won't begin to bang on about how predicatble the storyline was or how anne hathaway's character lived in circa 1998 denim skirts most of the film, i will instead harp on about the GOD that is jake gyllenhaal. oh my actual LIFE. toe tapping, rooting tootin cowboy boot wearing country singer taylor swift managed to bag him how?! back in the day- donnie darko days and the shite film he made with jennifer aniston days, i thought his eyes were a tad bulbous, frog like almost... (obviously not as scary as peep show's david 'shark eyes' mitchell though. they actually creep me out big time) but after 90 minutes of him basically naked as the day he was born, i'm a changed woman! defs won me over. and now basically a little bit obsessed. totally jealous of hathaway getting to writhe around with him the whole film too...i mean, those sex scenes were RAW. literally, no qualms about it, there were no clever camera angles to hide boob, bums and balls, it was nearing on soft porn, they didn't have a care in the world! not one.

2. ashish for topshop tee

people that know me, will know that my first love is, and always has been...munch. i get grouchy when i'm hungry, i get upset if there are a lack of nibbles at house parties and i would defintely say yes to cheese and crackers if they're going after a fat dessert. after breakfast, i'm thinking of lunch, after lunch i'm thinking of dinner and after dinner i'm thinking of booze and crisps. so when i heard ashish was releasing his 4 piece junk food collection at topshop, i had to get my greasy fingers on an item. i dragged my best mate gemma with me, squealing with excitement when i first saw them....kind of stopped though when i realised they were 40 smackers each. EEEK. but she then turned round and said "it's soooo you.. just get it". so me?! fries, hot dog and coke is soooo me?!

yes. yes i think it is.

3. shoes

ok so it's not the weather for really shitty made, plastic, half open asos flats at the moment but i love them. you can't beat a pair of t- bars! and just like peas and carrots/ rum and coke/ cheese and jam sandwiches (don't knock it 'till you've tried it) it's a match made in heaven with my beautiful new miu miu purse. keeping them apart would be sinful, so i'm doing the best thing for everyone...and purchasing them.

4. holibob

after yet another week of riding the tube, squashed up against a hoard of sweaty wet dogs in the morning everyday due to the typical rainy london weather, i am counting down the days until my winter holiday with my mum and sis. the destination is still undecided but i think it's safe to say we won't be hitting up the caribbean like every single A list celeb and their cat at the moment...

i doubt there will be chilling on yachts in my missoni bikini, raving with p diddy and naomi campbell or having champagne shower parties with paris hilton... it will be more of an 'all in' deal, getting waste with my mum on cheap, gash all you can drink cocktails, eating re heated meatballs and pasta every night swiftly followed by 7 nights of 'fun' avoiding being dragged up to do karaoke and the like with the jersey shore lookalikes entertainment team; the same team of pricks you try not to shout 'FUCK OFF' to in the mornings everytime they ask if you want to join in the pool aerobics...

but there will hopefully be some sun, time to relax and escape the winter blues, if only for 7 days.

until then it's wellies and umbrellas on a daily, googling/perving on jake a bit more, refreshing the voucher sites for asos codes and thinking about lunch of course.

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